Medieval News

Q&A: How Is It That Non Believers Rely On Science to Give Them the Answers, But When Science …?

Question by : How Is It That Non Believers Rely On Science to Give Them the Answers, But When Science …?
…proves Biblical material such as the “Shroud of Turin” to possibly be authentic, they immediately deny science?

This question is interesting, because when it comes to scientific “theories” such as the “Big Bang” they are all for it! Even when scientists ADMIT it is a theory! They try and twist the truth by saying that it is a fact and that people who don’t get it do not have an education. When, clearly, scientists still don’t know how we came into existence.

The Shroud of Turin has been under examination for years now, but the most recent news has claimed that the Shroud of Turin is authentic, and I quote, “could only be explained by an occurrence of the supernatural.”

If you want the entire news story, then google it, because there are sooo many links.

I think people will try to deny anything that they don’t want to believe.

Also, they said that it cannot be a hoax of Medieval Times, because the technology used in order to create that hoax,is not even available today.
I know I am going to get a stupid response from someone but here is a link anyway lol.

But seriously, there are HUNDREDS of articles on it.

Best answer:

Answer by Bria
The scientists that proved the Shroud of Turin were Christians. Oh and that shroud would not be in such good condition if it was as old as Christians claim it to be.

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